Thursday, November 27, 2008

25,26 and 27th

yay! It seems I'm managing to make updates every 2 - 3 days, with no lapse in a picture a day ^^. An incredible achievement by my standards since i'm incredibly forgettable or end up beeing consumed in what needs to be done during the day.

25th Nov
Took this one on the way home from uni with my phone, its not entirely in focus but its kind of creepy...and the lack of focus ends up adding to it ^^

26th Nov

Its Xmas on Carnaby street, I was befundled by the giant snowmen, and whipped out my phone in eagerness to take a picture. Its slightly overexposed and maybe even not in focus...its kind of fuzzy, with the light bleeding out, more or less what it looked like when I was composing the shot, adn to my happyness it stuck ^^. It feels almost magical , like a little town going all out in xmas rather than the center of london...
27th November
Coffeeeeeeee and oreos! :D......a students savior

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pictures for the 23rd and 24th

The whole point of this project is to take a picture a day, of course that then begs to be uploaded daily...which is the hard part, however I have managed to shoot every day...even if the last two pictures arent as impressive its still a hopes are that eventually even why i need to shoot something in desperation een a desperate image's quality will be a good picture.

23rd November
an attempt to documetn the chaos that comes with deadlines >.< November 24th
I'm not entirely sure i'm happy with the phone camera quality (both of these pictures are from my N 95), however I've seen some impressive photography with that itty bitty camera and I'm determined go yet get a good image from this camera

Saturday, November 22, 2008