Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 333 and 337

So having missed days 334 (toothbrush), 335, Speaker and 336  Feather (not that I had much to shoot.

I present to you the pictures from day 333 and 337, 3 and backpack respectively.

Following my recent trend in attempting to nuke everything with my SB 900 (ITS SO EASY TO USE!), I'm rather dissapointed to say neither of these two Images fall under particularly worthy pieces of imagery. Particularly the first one, which was my attempt to get something in theme, although after a long days work I think I could have come up with something a little better....The second one, despite my best attempts at some self portraits today, and having come up with the concept, I was rather dissapointed with the final result.

Of course a shooting location filled with mirrors, and a Superclamp that wouldnt stay put, werent exactly particularly helpfull in me getting as much as a controlled light as I would have liked, but I wouldnt say the Image is a complete loss. Perhaps with a bit more tweaking I could have gotten a better result....although its deff granted that I need more stands, holders and light modifiers....or a studio. I think I would have been pleased with the Image if I had managed to step away from the background, which the light from the flash was falling off onto, which I think is what is bothering me the most from my image, as I wanted to just barlely light myself creating a sort of sillouette which I managed to pull off with my face. However my arm continues to be lit, being a little more than I'd have liked.

Anywho the main self portraits will be coming in my blog shortly here (I need a wide lens!!! :( )


see if you can guess which is which

Photochallenge Day 333_Three

2009 Challenge, Day 337: BACKPACK